
Born in Lima, Peru

Scholarships and Awards

2024        Fellowship Villa-Romana and
            KHI Kunsthistorisches Institut, Florenz
2023        The Visual Arts Research Stipend Senate Department
            for Culture and Social Cohesion, Berlin
2023        Gwärtler Grant for artistic research,
            Gwärtler Foundation, Switzerland
2017        Senate Department for Culture and Europe, Berlin
            International cultural exchange Grant
            Project A War Machine - documenta 14
2015        Illy SustainArt Prize ARCOmadrid, SoloProjects
            project Callejón Oscuro
2003        Erna and Victor Hasselblad Foundation, Göteborg,
            research grant in photography

Exhibitions and Projects
2023        HKW Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin
            Retrospective and new projects,
            exhibition Exercises in Transformation
2022        MASM Museo de Arte de San Marcos, Lima
            Installation and drawings A War Machine - project d14 New version
2021        MALBA Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires
            Photographs Martirios, exhibition Madalena Schwartz: Las Metamorfosis
2021        The Institute for Endotic Research TIER, Berlin
            Interactive sound installation Le Code Blanc- A granular Audition
2021        MUNA Museo Nacional del Peru, Lima
            Drawings HAITI, exhibition En busca de algo perdido… Perú un sueño
2021        IMS Instituto Moreira Salles, Sao Paulo
            Photographs Martirios, exhibitionMadalena Schwartz: As Metamorfoses
2020        Gallery 1 Mira Madrid, Madrid
            Drawings Do You Believe in Love?, exhibition Discurso de Incertidumbres
2020        Proyecto AMIL, contemporary art platform, Lima
            Vinyl release ATEM: Sound compositions for actions and installations
2019        Gallery 80m2, Lima
            Drawings, exhibition HAITI
2018        Project Room Deutschen Künstlerbundes, Berlin
            HAP Grieshaber-Preis, Project Neue Reise in die Aequinoctial-Gegenden
2017        documenta14, Benaki Museum, Athens - Neue Galerie, Kassel
            Installation and performances A War Machine
2017        MASP Museu de Arte de São Paulo, Sao Paulo
            Series of photographs Rosa Cordis, exhibitionHistórias da sexualidade
2017        SESC Sorocaba, Sao Paulo
            Drawings Cuaderno de Matemática, exhibition Frestas Trienal de Artes
2016        Württembergischer Kunstverein, Stuttgart
            Performance The Singing Lesson, exhibition The Beast and the Sovereign
2016        Museo de la Solidaridad Salvador Allende (MSSA), Santiago de Chile
            Series of photographs Rosa Cordis, exhibition Poner el cuerpo
2016        Museo de Arte de Pereira, Pereira
            Series of photographs Rosa Cordis, exhibition 44SNA
2016        Museo de Arte Contemporáneo MAC, Lima
            Sound installation CO2, Exhibition HACER LA AUDICIÓN
2015        Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst, Zürich
            Photographs Martirios, Casona, Basural, exhibition Resistance Performed
            Aesthetic Strategies under Repressive Regimes in Latin America
2015        El Palomar, Barcelona
            PerformanceOracle by Default
2015        Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Barcelona MACBA, Barcelona
            Drawings/collagesEstampas, exhibition The Beast and the Sovereign
2015        Espai Visor gallery, Valence
            Photographs Suburbios, exhibition Sergio Zevallos + Jürgen Klauke
2014        31st Sao Paulo Biennial, Sao Paulo
            Series of photographs Ambulantes, Martirios, drawings Andróginos
2014        Secession, Vienna
            PerformanceOracle by Default
2014        Württembergischer Kunstverein, Stuttgart
            Photography, drawing, video, installation, exhibition A Wandering Body
2013        Museo de Arte de Lima MALI y Centro Cultural de España, Lima
            Photography, drawing, video, documentation, exhibition A Wandering Body
2013        Museo Universitario de Arte Contemporáneo MUAC, Mexico City
            Drawings/collagesEstampas, exhibition Pulso Alterado
2013        Museo de Arte Contemporáneo MAC, Lima
            Sound art installation Callejón Oscuro
2012        Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid
            Photographs Rosa Cordis, Suburbios, exhibition Losing the Human Form
2012        Centro Fundación Telefónica, Lima
            Exhibition Remesas: Flujos simbólicos / Movilidades de capital
2010        Museum der Moderne Salzburg, Salzburg
            Photo object 1986, exhibition Press Art, Sammlung Annette und Peter Nobel
2009        Württembergischen Kunstverein, Stuttgart
            Series of photographs Rosa Cordis, exhibition Subversive Praktiken
2008        Instituto Goethe, Lisbon
            Performance Cartografias Mentais, exhibition No fon no fax no mail komm!
2008        El Museo del Barrio, Nueva York
            Exhibition Arte ≠ Vida - Actions by Artists of the Americas, 1960-2000
2008        Wooloo Productions - New Life Shop Gallery, Berlin
            Collective Performance Fictive Days, New Life Berlin festival
2006        White Box Gallery, New York
            Photography and performance, exhibition Asylum NYC
2006        Museo de la Nación, Lima
            Exhibition Urbe & Arte. Imaginarios de Lima en Transformación. 1980-2006
2005        Centro Cultural de España, Lima
            Photographs and drawings, exhibition INKARRI / Vestigio Barroco
2001        Fotografisk Center, Copenhaguen
            Series of photographs, exhibition The Digital Room Show
2000        Central railway station, Copenhagen
            Photo-Video installation/performance ID, Art festival Images of The World
2000        Cultural Centre El Averno, Lima
1999        Metro station Canal Street, Nueva York
            Performance Canal Street
1999        Die Wasserspeicher, Berlin                    
            Multimedia performance Natura Morta
1999        Galerie am Prater, Berlin
            Photography and art installation Metanoia
1996        Dresden Castle, Dresden
            Photography/installation Teresa, art festival Theater der Welt
1994        Festspielhaus Hellerau, Dresden
            Collective performance Wunden trägst du mein Geliebter/Grupo Chaclacayo
1991        Flottmann-Hallen, Herne                      
            Collective performances Der obszöne Tod eines Heiligen/Grupo Chaclacayo
1990        Maxim-Gorki-Theater, Berlin
            Collective performances Todesbilder/Grupo Chaclacayo
1989-1990   IFA-Institut, Stuttgart; Museum Bochum; Badischer Kunstverein, Karlsruhe
            Künstlerhaus Bethanien and Galerie am Weidendamm, Berlin
            Drawings, photography, performances, installation
            project Todesbilder/Grupo Chaclacayo
1984        Museo de Arte, Lima
            Photographs and drawings, Project Perú...un Sueño - Grupo Chaclacayo
1983        Public spaces, Lima      
            Performance Ambulantes, project Grupo Chaclacayo
1982        Universidad Católica, Lima                   
            Performance Procession